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中国采购与招标网 交通运输,商业服务   2017-02-17

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项目概述:招标代理公司(登录 查看)受业主单位(登录 查看) 委托,于2017-02-17在采购与招标网发布 世行贷款云南红河州滇南中心城市交通项目-通学安全宣传教育咨询服务选聘招标公告。现邀请全国供应商参与投标,有意向的单位请及时联系项目联系人参与投标。 要求递交感(略)的选聘 中华人民共和国 云南红(略)城市交通项目 贷款号(略)-CN 合同名称:通学安全宣传教育咨询服务选聘-QCBS 合同号(略)-CS-(略) 中华人民共和国已从世行获得一笔贷款,用于云南红(略)城市交通项目,并计划将部(略)贷款用于标题所列的咨询服务合同。 本咨询服务合同的内容包括: 1 利用多方位的推广与教育手段,提高项目区域内目标人群的道路交通安全意识,减少道路交通危险行为,达到降低通学道路和校园区域交通伤害、死亡和致残率目的。 2 提高交通安全教育、执行、管理和推广的技能,提高项目实施机构,如教育、卫生、交警和交通部门的项目管理能力。 3 监督和评价项目的影响,总结通学交通安全教育的影响并推广示范模式。 4 要求务必开展的其它配套活动。 预计的人月数投入为(略)人月。合同工期为(略)个月,预计将于(略)年7月份启动咨询服务。 受红河州利用国际金融组织贷款建设项目领导小组办公室 业主 (略) 采(略)向我们提交他们对提供上述咨询服(略)可向我们提供相关的信息,以证明他们具备相应的资格条件和经验来执行本咨询服务。 本次咨询服务选聘的短名单资格要求是: 1 咨询公司注册或成立5年以上,有交通安全、交通政策研究、安全教育活动等领域相关资质和项目履历。 2 咨询公司已经成功完成(略) 最近3年内 (略)-(略) 至少完成一个类似的交通咨询合同,合同金额大于(略)美(略);或者ii 最近3年内 (略)-(略) 至少完成3个类似的交通咨询合同,累计合同金额超过(略)美(略)。已完成合同的类似性优先指的是(略) 参与多个机构,包括教育,交通警察,和健康;ii 包括一系列的活动,如课堂课程,模拟练习,活动等。 3 能够独立完成有关报告的英文翻译,及使用英文与世行专家开展书(略)应提交包括但不限于以下文件,以证明(略)的法定名称和营业执照; ii 联系人和联系方式 地址(略)的组织机构、人(略)最近(略)年的项目经验,包括已经完成的和正在进行的; vi 类似合同经验的(略)认为有必要提交的可以证明其能力和竞争性的(略)应该注意《世行咨询服务指南》 (略)年7月版 中关(略)可以联合其他公司组成联合体或者(略)的资格能力。 本次咨询服务将采用《咨询服务指南》中规定的“基于质量和成本的选择” QCBS 的选聘方式进行。 进一步的信息可以从(略)年2月(略)日起,在每个工作日的9(略)-(略)从以下地址处获取。 《感兴趣函》必须于(略)年3月3日(略)时之前,以书面的形式递交到如下地址 两个地址均可递交 ,或者(略)到如下信箱 中、英文各编制1个PDF文件,主送采购代理,抄送业主 。 业 主:红河州利用国际金融组织贷款建设项目领导小组办公室 联 系 人:(略)国际金融组织贷款项目办公室 州项目办 ,廖移妃 地址:(略)8号红(略)办公室 电 话(略)-(略)-(略) 传 真(略) 系 人:(略)先生 地址:(略) 真(略)-(略) 邮***iit*** cnRequest for Expressions of InterestConsulting Services- Firms Selection The People’s Republic of ChinaYunnan Honghe Prefecture Diannan Center Urban Transport ProjectLoan No : (略)***nt Title: Consulting services of School Traffic Safety Study and Training-QCBSReference No : HH-CS-(略) The People’s Republic of China has received***om the World Bank toward the cost of the Yunnan Honghe Prefecture Diannan Center Urban Transport Project, and intends to apply p***ceeds for consulting services The consulting services “the Services” include: 1 Wit*********t***ve transport safety awareness among the target populati***j***ce risky traffic behaviors, and decrease the occurrence of traffic injuries, deaths and disabilities on school roads and school zones 2 Improve the transp***cati***nt, en***motion ******nt capab******nting agenci***cation, health, traffic police and transportation institutes 3 Monitor and evaluate the imp***ject, summarize the influence of school transp******mote demonstration modes 4 Other necessary supporting activities The estimated input is (略) staff months The contract duration is about (略) months with the estimated ***om July (略) Entrusted by Honghe Prefecture Pro***nt Office the Employer, Instrimpex International Tendering Co , ***nt Agent now invites eligible consulting firms “Consultants” to express their i***viding the Services Interested Consulta***vide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services The shortlisting criteria are: 1 The Consultant must have legally and financially registered or established for at least five 5 years or more, with relevant qualific***ject experiences in areas such as traffic safety, traffic policy resear***cation campaigns, etc 2 The consultant has su***pleted either i at least one similar traffic consultation contract for last three years years for (略) to (略) with a contract value greater than US$ (略),(略), or ii at least three similar traffic consultation contracts for last three years years for (略) to (略) with an accumulative contracts value greater than US$(略),(略)***pleted contracts similarities shall preferably i involve multiple agencies***cation, traffic police, and health; ii include a series of events such as in-class courses, simulation practice, campaigns, etc 3 The consultant shall be able to translate their***een English and Chinese independently, and also be able to rep***municate with World Bank in writing The Consult******nts include but not limited to the follows to demonstrate its capa***petency for the shortlisting*** of the firm and its business licenses;ii Contact person and details address, phone numbers, and email address;iii Firm***file, or brochures; iv De***anization structure, staffing situation and facilities; v Li***jects experiences for the last ten years, inc***pleted and th***jects or contra***ntary evidences of the similar contracts experiences; vii***ntation as firm finds necessary to

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