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中国采购与招标网 交通运输   2017-03-16

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项目概述:招标代理公司(登录 查看)受业主单位(登录 查看) 委托,于2017-03-16在采购与招标网发布 世行贷款新建张家口-呼和浩特铁路项目轨道结构材料采购招标公告。现邀请全国供应商参与投标,有意向的单位请及时联系项目联系人参与投标。 世行贷款新建张家口-呼和浩特铁路项目轨道结构材料采购招标公告 招标邀请书 中华人民共和国新建张家口至呼和浩特铁路项目 贷款号(略)-CN 招标编号(略)-(略)F(略)FF(略) 1 中华人民共和国政府已收到世界银行的贷款,用于(略)新建张家口至呼和浩特铁路项目的费用,并计划将一部(略)贷款用于采购轨道结构材料 包号: TE(略) 合同项下的合格(略)。 2 (略)委托,邀请合格的投标人就下列货物和有关服务提交密封的投标: 招标编号 包号 品名 单位 数量 最早交货时间 最晚交货时间 (略)-(略)F(略)FF(略) TE(略) 轨道结构材料 组对 (略) (略)年 5月1日 (略)年 5月(略)日 3 资格要求包括:招标文件规定的供货经验、技术、财务、法律和其他方面的要求,主要的资格要求为(略)包,从(略)年1月1日起至投标截止日期期间,投标人应具有为设计时速(略)公里小时或以上速度铁路正线成功提供至少(略)组轨道结构材料并且满意运行至少一年的供货业绩 不超过3个合同 。须(略)相关部门出具的最终用户证明作为证明材料。 4 只提供中国制造货物的投标人可在评标阶段给予国内优惠。 5 本次招标采用世界银行的《世界银行借款人国际复兴开放银行贷款和国际开发协会信贷及拨款的货(略)及非咨询服务指南》[(略)年1月版] “采购指南” 规定的国际竞争性招标程序,并向采购指南规定的所有合格投标人开放。此外,请参见第1 6条和1 7条,这两条阐明了世界银行关于利益冲突的政策。 6 有兴趣的合格投标人(略)办公室进一步了解有关信息和查阅招标文件,上午9(略)-(略),下午(略)-(略) 周六日节假日除外。 7 招标文件将从(略)年3月(略) 日起每天 星期六、星期日、节假日除外 上午9(略)-(略),下午1(略)-4(略) 北京时间 在下述地址发售,有兴趣的合格投标人可递交书面申请书,于上述时间(略)。中文或英文招标文件每套售价(略)人民币或(略)美(略),售后不退。(略)方式为现金或电汇。若需邮递招标文件,需另付(略)人民币 中国大(略) 或(略)美(略) 中国大(略)之外 ,招标文件将采用特快专递方式(略),采购代理不对寄送文件的延迟和丢失负责。 8 所有投标书应于(略)年4月(略)日北京时间上午(略)时之前递交到以下投标书递交和开标地址。不允许采用电子方式投标。迟到的投标书将被拒绝。(略)年4月(略)日北京时间上午(略)时,在以下投标书递交和开标地址公开开标。届时请参加投标的投标人指定代表出席开标仪式。 递交标书及开标地址:(略)标区开标大厅。邮编(略) 9 所有投标书须附有不少于投标总价2%的投标保证金。 (略) 任何投诉可以(略)到以下(略): mlawrence***;jguo***;cmee(略)代理名(略) 地址:(略) 电话(略)-(略)-(略) (略) 传真(略)-(略)-(略) (略) 联系人:(略)标书账号: 外币(略)标书账号: 账户(略) 账户(略) 开户行:工商银行北(略) 开户行:上海浦东发展银(略) 账号(略) 账号(略) SWIFT BIC(略) Invitation for Bids IFB People’s Republic of China World Bank Financed Zhangjiakou-Hohhot Railway Project Loan No : (略)-CN IFB No : (略)-(略)F(略)FF(略) 1***nt of P R China has received***om the World Bank toward the cost of Zhangjiakou-Hohhot Railway Project, and intends to apply p***ceeds***nts under the Contracts ***nt ICB of Track Structural Materials Lot No : TE(略) 2 China Mechanical & Electronic Engineering Tendering Co , Ltd , entrusted by, China Railway Corporation, now invites s***om eligible bidders for: IFB No Lot No Item Unit Quantity Earliest *** Latest *** (略)-(略)F(略)FF(略) TE(略) Track Structural Materials Setpair (略) May 1st, (略) May (略)th, (略) 3 Qualificat***nts include: Supply experience, technical, financial, legal and ot***nts stipulated in the b***nt; main qualificat***nts are: For Lot TE(略), within ***om January 1 ,(略)to the deadline for the submission of bids, the Bidder has successfully supplied track structural materials with the total quantity of (略) sets, which have been in satisfactory operation for at least one year on a main railway line with the minimum design speed of (略)kmh T******t by up to three contracts The Bidders shall furnish copies of the sales contracts and end-user certificate issued by***nt of the relevant Railway Bureau of CRC 4 Bid exclusively offering goods manufactured in China will be eligible for a margin preference during bid evaluation 5 Bidding will be conducted through the International Competiti***cedures as specified in the World Bank’s Guidelin***nt of Goods, Works and Non-Consulting Services under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits & Grants by World Bank Borrowers[the edition of Jan ,(略)***nt Guidelines”, and is open to all eligible bidders as defined***nt Guidelines In addition, please refer to paragraphs 1 6 and 1 7 setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest 6 Interested eligible bidders may obta******om China Mechanical & Electronic Engineering Tendering Co , Ltd and inspect the B***nts at the address given below every day except for Saturdays, Sundays and public ***een 9(略)-(略) and (略)-(略)*** 7 A complete set of the B***nts in English or Chinese may be purchased 9(略)-(略) am and 1(略)-4(略) pm from Mar (略), (略)*** by interested bidders on the submission of a written Application to the address below a***nt of a non-refundable fee RMB(略) or in USD(略) The me***nt will be in cash or TT RMB(略) mainland China or USD(略) Outside Mainland China shall be added for the postage for express mail for purchasing by mail No liability will be accepted for loss or late delivery 8 Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before, (略) a m Apr (略)th, (略)*** Electronic bidding will not be permitted Late bids will be rejected Bids will be publicly opened in the presence of the bidders’ designated representatives and anyone who choose to attend at the address below at (略) a m Apr (略)th, (略)*** The address for submitting and opening of the Bid that referred to above is: Bid Opening Room, Liangxiang bid evaluation area, Beijing City Construction Purchasing & Contracting Trade Cen

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